Lasik Eye Surgery Aftercare: The Dos and the Don’ts
How the Surgery Works
What You Should Do After
Another important element is taking your medication as described by the prescription. If you need help with drops, ask for it. Wait the appropriate length of time as described by your doctor before you continue with your regular activities such as work. Lomas Eye Care adds that you should wear eye protection during the nighttime to keep anything from bumping or scraping the eye. Drink adequate water to keep hydrated.
What You Should Avoid After
There are many, many things you will want to avoid after your surgery. The first of these is rubbing your eyes. Do not, under any circumstances rub your eyes. In addition, avoid driving until your vision is completely clear and focused. In addition, the Federal Trade Commission also recommends that you keep away from hot tubs and swimming.
Keep away from strenuous physical activities, especially one that could cause eye injury. Also do not exercise for a week after the operation. In addition to these things, you should keep away from smoky, dusty areas and refrain from wearing eye makeup.
Lasik eye surgery can change a person’s life, and in most cases healing time is relatively quick. But this time can be made easier if individuals follow the dos and don’ts listed above. If you follow your doctor’s instructions, you are much more likely to heal without complications.
By: Sara Chambers
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