The procedure involves implanting about 50 - 60 individual hairs on the lash line one by one..The Truth about Permanent Eyelashes,The Cons to Permanent Lashes,Permanent Eyelashes
Permanent, do you want them? Long yummy eyelashes, be the envy of your friends and get those admiring looks. It must be better than applying false eyelashes . It is not an easy process and if not done right your lashes could look horrible .
permanent eyelashesGoing with eyelash extensions (semi-permanent) may not be your thing for a number of reasons . To maintain the lashes you will need to get them renewed every 2 months which, can be time consuming and expensive . That doesn?€?t sound like a valuable solution. But what other solutions are out there? Is there a way that you can permanently lengthen your eyelashes? The answer to your question is YES, you can. Permanent eyelash extensions are common throughout the world and North America . So if you are looking for a permanent fix for dull, short lashes, give permanent eyelashes a try. A Permanent solution involves a 1 time surgery and you are done. No more struggling to get your false lashes on or having eyelash extensions every 2 months .
The procedure involves implanting about 50 - 60 individual hairs on the lash line one by one. Before moving forward with this surgical procedure which will give you ever lasting lashes it is important to do your research first .
The Truth about Permanent EyelashesI
t is know very common to have permanent eyelashes throughout the world . Although the routine can be done in the United States, it is more commonly performed in Asian countries such as Korea and Japan. Many Asian women like to have this procedure done because they tend to have less hair and comparatively short eyelashes. Many women are very satisfied with the results of this procedure; others are unwilling to risk the surgery (you are required to go under anesthesia) just so that they can thicken their lashes.
The Cons to Permanent LashesLike any procedure there are some advantages and disadvantages . First, the procedure is very expensive so not many people can afford it . Your insurance could be invalidated when it comes to your eyes as most insurances will not cover eyelash implants, as this was not required because of health concerns . Additionally, as with any surgery, there are risks involved with permanent eyelashes implants. Although surgeons usually take precautions during surgery by using eye shields, risks increase if the surgeon is not cautious.
If permanent eyelashes sound like the right option for you, then you will be sure to enjoy their long lasting and satisfying effects . Maybe having surgery to get long luscious permanent eyelashes is not your thing. There are other alternatives which may be more appealing to you . And if you are pleased with your lashes as they are, then more power to you.
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